Dr. Andre Matthews Orthopedic Surgeon – Shoulder – Hip – Knee – Mesa, Arizona. Phone 480-981-1085

UniSpacer for Knee

The UniSpacer – More Innovation


The UniSpacer – More Innovation.

Until recently, patients who suffered from knee pain had three options:

  1. Arthroscopic debridement, which provides only a temporary solutionUniSpacerRunner
  2. Anti-inflammatory medications, which may have side effects
  3. Total knee replacement

But now, Dr. Matthews offers his patients the UniSpacer, an innovative device implanted in the knee to restore its stability and alignment and relieve the pain.

The UniSpacer means no cutting into the bone and no need for bone cement. All that is required is a small incision to properly place the UniSpacer in the desired position.

The UniSpacer procedure takes only about an hour and has proven so effective that it delays and often completely eliminates the need for a total knee replacement.



